Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a temporary eye vision problem resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer display for prolonged, uninterrupted periods of time.
Different problems encountered after prolonged use of computers. You can have some of these problems:
- Headaches
- Eyestrain
- Neck ache and backache
- Blurred vision
- Dry & Irritated eyes
- Sensitivity to light
- Double Vision
- Red eyes
- Contact lens discomfort
- Glare sensitivity
- Excessive tearing
- Changes in color perception
- Slowness in changing the focus of your eyes
Reasons for CVS
When using the computer your blink rate decreases by a drastic 70 percent. Generally speaking means that instead of blinking an average of 14 times per minute, you are now blinking 7 times per minute.
Decorative contact lenses tips
- If your eyes are dry or irritated, use eye drops to moisturize and lubricate
- Place reference to typing materials close to the computer screens.
- Blink frequently
- Visual breaks: A good rule of thumb is 20/20, 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
- Avoid shifting at a location with direct blower or an A.C or for a long period in a room with low humidity.
- Install a glare guard, an optically coated glass anti-glare filter.
- Install a screen or partition behind your computer to reduce overhead glare.
- Use a non-reflective paint or coverings on the walls.
- Make sure there is sufficient light to read hard copy without straining.
- Use a stand for hard copy so that source documents and the computer screen are at roughly equal distance from the eyes.
- If any symptoms are worse of you sight is deteriorating, make an appointment to see your eye care professional.
- Adjust the height of your desk or chair so the middle of the computer screen is about 20 degrees below eye level. The screen itself should be 16- 30 inches from your eyes.
- Choose screens that can tilt and rotate. A keyboard that you can adjust is also helpful.
- Electrostatic charge on the computer which attracts & accumulates dust particles which can cause skin rash or irritation in sensitive individuals, clean computer screen regularly.
- Adjustable chair.

Preventing diabetes related eye problems
You can do a lot to prevent diabetes eye problems.
- Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to normal as you can.
- Have an eye care professional examine your eyes once a year. Get this examination even if your vision is OK. The eye care professional will use drops to make the black part of your eyes-pupils-bigger. This process is called dilating your pupil, which allows the eye care professional to see the back of your eye. Finding eye problems early and getting treatment right away will help prevent more serious problems later on.
- Ask your eye care professional to check for signs of cataract & glaucoma. See if you are planning to get pregnant soon, ask your doctor if you should have an eye exam.
- If you are pregnant and have diabetes, see an eye care professional during your first 3 months of pregnancy.
- Don’t smoke.
- Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to normal as you can.
Cataract Cutting Edge Technology
- Healthy food
- 30 minutes exercise
- Regular medicines
- Regular blood glucose checking
- Check your feet everyday for cuts, bruises
- Daily brush & floss teeth
- Blood pressure control
- Don’t smoke
- Blood cholesterol control
Diabetes problems
You can do a lot to prevent diabetes eye problems.
Too much glucose in the blood for a long time can cause diabetes problems. This high blood glucose, also called blood sugar, can damage many parts of the body, such as the heart, blood vessels, eyes, and kidneys. Heart and blood vessel disease can lead to heart attacks and strokes. You can do a lot to prevent or slow down diabetes problems.
Diabetes can cause problems in your eyes
High blood glucose and high blood pressure from diabetes can hurt four parts of your eye:
- Retina. The retina is the lining at the back of the eye. The retina’s job is to sense light coming into the eye.
- Vitreous. The vitreous is a jelly-like fluid that fills the back of the eye.
- Lens. The lens is at the front of the eye. The lens focuses light on the retina.
- Optic nerve. The optic nerve is the eye’s main nerve to the brain.
Retina problems because of diabetes
Retina damage happens slowly. Your retinas have tiny blood vessels that are easy to damage. Having high blood glucose and high blood pressure for a long time can damage these tiny blood vessels. First, these tiny blood vessels swell and weaken. Some blood vessels then become clogged and do not let enough blood through. At first, you might not have any loss of sight from these changes. Have a dilated eye exam once a year even if your sight seems fine. One of your eyes may be damaged more than the other. Or both eyes may have the same amount of damage. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetes eye problem.
Consequences of Diabetes effects becoming worse
- New blood vessels grow.
- New blood vessels are weakand leak blood into the vitreous of your eye.
- The leaking blood keeps light from reaching the retina.
- You may see floating spots or almost total darkness. Sometimes the blood will clear out by itself. But you might need surgery to remove it.
- Over the years, the swollen and weak blood vessels can form scar tissue and pull the retina away from the back of the eye. If the retina becomes detached, you may see floating spots or flashing lights.
- New blood vessels grow.
Different efforts which can reduce the chances of retinal problems
Keep your blood glucose and blood pressure as close to normal as you can. Your eye care professional may suggest laser treatment, which is when a light beam is aimed into the retina of the damaged eye. The beam closes off leaking blood vessels. It may stop blood and fluid from leaking into the vitreous. Laser treatment may slow the loss of sight. If a lot of blood has leaked into your vitreous and your sight is poor, your eye care professional might suggest you have surgery called a Vitrectomy. vitrectomy removes blood and fluid from the vitreous of your eye. Then clean fluid is put back into the eye. The surgery can make your eyesight better.
Symptoms of diabetes caused retinal problems
You may not have any signs of diabetes retina damage, or you may have one or more signs:
- Blurry or Double vision
- Rings, Flashing Lights, or Blank Spots
- Dark or Floating Spots
- Pain or Pressure in one or Both of your eyes
- Trouble seeing things out of the corners of your eyes
- If you have retina damage from diabetes, you may have blurry or double vision.
Other eye problems related with diabetes
You can get two other eye problems-cataracts and glaucoma. People without diabetes can get these eye problems, too. But people with diabetes get these problems more often and at a younger age.
- A cataract is a cloud over the lens of your eye, which is usually clear. The lens focuses light onto the retina. A cataract makes everything you look at seem cloudy. You need surgery to remove the cataract. During surgery your lens is taken out and a plastic lens, like a contact lens, is put in. The plastic lens stays in your eye all the time. Cataract surgery helps you see clearly again.
- Glaucoma starts from pressure building up in the eye. Over time, this pressure damages your eye’s main nerve-the optic nerve. The damage first causes you to lose sight from the sides of your eyes. Treating glaucoma is usually simple. Your eye care professional will give you special drops to use every day to lower the pressure in your eyes. Or your eye care professional may want you to have laser surgery.
- A cataract is a cloud over the lens of your eye, which is usually clear. The lens focuses light onto the retina. A cataract makes everything you look at seem cloudy. You need surgery to remove the cataract. During surgery your lens is taken out and a plastic lens, like a contact lens, is put in. The plastic lens stays in your eye all the time. Cataract surgery helps you see clearly again.

Infants must have an eye examination during their first 12 months of life. Choose a time when he or she is usually alert and happy.
Preparing Child for the First Checkup
It is advisable to demonstrate & explain to the child what will happen during a vision check-up. This will help to reduce any anxiety your small child might be experiencing. It also helps to learn about your child’s specific fears and concerns so that you can take corrective measures ahead of time.
- Act out some of the procedure to guess the worries that your child might not be able to articulate.
- Reassure your child that you will be there with him or her during the entire procedure.
- Make your child realize that the check-up is not a punishment but rather a way to guarantee the healthiest vision possible.
- Respect the wishes of an older child who might not want you to be present during the procedure. Privacy is important to adolescents and should be protected.
- Inform your eye doctor if you have a family history of eye problems requiring vision correction, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness (refractive errors), lazy eye (squint/weak eye), or eye diseases.
Lazy eye (amblyopia)
Your child’s eyes should be examined for early detection of vision problems such as lazy eye or amblyopia, in which one eye is weaker than the other. With amblyopia, eye patching often is used to help strengthen the weaker eye. Unfortunately, amblyopia is not always correctable with eyeglasses or contact lenses and may require eye patching to strengthen the weaker eye. Misalignment of eyes (strabismus) – Crossed or misaligned eyes can have different causes:
- Problems with muscle control in the affected eye or eyes. If strabismus persists in young children, a condition known as lazy eye or amblyopiacan develop along with related vision problems.
- Inability to maintain alignment of both eyes for correct focus as distant objects move nearer (convergence insufficiency.
- Problems with muscle control in the affected eye or eyes. If strabismus persists in young children, a condition known as lazy eye or amblyopiacan develop along with related vision problems.
Psychological Problems with Undiagnosed Vision Problems
Children who have undiagnosed vision problems can suffer from low self-esteem. They can become frustrated more easily, have trouble concentrating on reading, feel stupid, experience frequent headaches, or rub their eyes until they smart. Once their vision is corrected, children with eyeglasses hold their heads high and exude confidence—if their parents are positive and supportive.
Protecting Children’s eyes from sun
About 80 percent of a person’s lifetime sun exposure occurs before the age of 18. Photochromic lenses, which change from light to dark when ultraviolet light is present, have an eye health advantage by providing 100% protection from harmful UV rays and glare. And they do it automatically, which eliminates the need for kids to keep track of two pairs of glasses : – regular glasses and sunglasses.
Common Eye Problems in Children
Eye tests and general examinations often are conducted to detect the possible presence of these types of eye problems commonly found in young children: Decreased vision your Childs’s eye may have some vision problem. The child should be examined to provide the best possible vision with glasses.
Focusing (accommodation), color vision, and/or depth perception problems
The eye doctor may also test your child’s focusing ability. The child’s depth perception or ability to gauge distances between objects may also be examined. Color vision may be tested through methods such as placing a dot pattern of symbols within a pattern of dots made up of other colors.
Signs of Vision Problems in a child
- Frequent squinting
- Cloudy cornea
- Unequal pupil size
- Extreme sensitivity to light
- Eyes that don’t move together
- Crossed eyes
- Eyes that jiggle
- Difficulty seeing far objects
- Drooping eyelids
- Eyes that itch or burn
- Dizziness
- Frequent headaches
- Looking off to the side
- The need to hold small objects very close
- Losing his or her place while reading
- Using a finger to follow along while reading
- Squinting
- Tilting the head to see better
- Frequent eye rubbing
- Sensitivity to light
- Excessive tearing
- Closing one eye to read, watch TV or see better
- Complaining of headaches or tired eyes
- Receiving lower grades than usual
- Consistently sitting too close to the TV or holding a book too close
- Avoiding activities that require near vision, such as reading or homework, or distance vision, such as participating in sports or other recreational activities
Which way is the Right way? How can I tell if my contact lens is inside out?
Make sure it looks like half a ball, not a soup bowl with a rim. Some contact lenses also have a brand name marked, on the edge to help you. If you can read it properly, the lens is not inside out.
Proper Contact Lens Care
Contact lenses should remove prior to swimming, showering or bathing.
– Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap
– Hands should be dried well before touching contact lenses.
Contact lenses should be properly cleaned according to the instructions.
Proper disinfectant should be used to disinfect lenses; plain saline or rewetting drops are not disinfectants because they don’t kill bacteria.
Each time you place your lenses in the case, or rinse them with solution, use fresh cleaning or disinfecting products.
Throw out solution. Never reuse it or top it off with fresh solution
Contact lenses should always be stored in a clean and disinfected case.
Storage cases should be irrigated with sterile contact lens solution (not tap water), and left open to dry after each use to reduce the risk of water-loving bacteria taking up residence. They should be replaced every three months, at least.
Contact lenses should be replaced when their scheduled wear time is up.
Regular eye examinations should be scheduled to check prescriptions and detect early signs of infection or disease.
Contact lens cases can encourage bacteria growth if not cared for properly. Lens cases should be kept clean and replaced every 3 to 6 months. Inexpensive cases, or the ones included with contact lens care kits, are safe and sufficient.
After removing your contact lenses, empty the case and rinse with fresh contact lens solution (never tap water). Cases should be cleaned after each use. Always allow the lens case to air dry. If the contact lens case gets cracked or damaged, discard it and replace it with a new one.
Colored contact lenses are not cosmetics, but are medical devices that require as much responsibility as regular contact lenses. Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations for care of your contact lenses. Also, never share contacts or makeup.
Contact lenses should never be stored in tap water, nor should they be rinsed with tap water. Tap water often contains microorganisms that can latch onto the lenses, encouraging eye infections. Studies have shown that an organism called acanthamoeba is sometimes found in tap water. Acanthamoeba has been known to cause a devastating eye infection that can destroy the cornea, and sometimes the entire eye. Always use a contact lens solution for storing your contacts.
If you have any pain, burning, redness, tearing or sensitivity to light while wearing any type of contact lenses, see your eye care professional immediately.
Contact lens eye drops lubricate your eye and hydrate the contact lens, making your eyes more comfortable while wearing your contact lenses. Theses eye drops are labeled “For use with soft contact lenses”. Your doctor or optometerist usually encourage frequent use of re-wetting drops, as it improves comfort and helps clear out debris underneath your contact lenses.
Contact Lenses & Allergy

Many contact lens wearers with allergies face discomfort during certain times of the year. This discomfort is due largely to allergens in the air that become adhered to contact lenses. The allergens cause miserable symptoms such as itchy, watery and swollen eyes. Here are five tips to help you through the periods of discomfort.
Allergens such as pollen and dust often adhere to the thin surfaces of contacts. Switching to glasses will help you avoid an allergy attack.
Cleaning will keep your contacts free of allergens. Consider using a preservative-free solution, to help avoid possible allergic reactions. If you wear disposable lenses, consider replacing them more often.
Allergens tend to cause dry eyes. Keep irritated eyes moist with artificial tears. The artificial tears will also wash the irritants out of your eyes.
When your eyes are red and swollen, resist the urge to rub them. Rubbing will make the inflammation worse by spreading around the allergens. A cool, damp compress will help relieve discomfort.
Your eye doctor will recommend medical products for your particular symptoms. Some products may even help prevent allergy attacks. You should also see your eye doctor to rule out possible problems that may not be allergy-related.
Decorative contact lenses tips
- Have a detailed checkup by a eye care professional. An eye doctor will be able to perform a contact lens evaluation to make sure the lenses fit well and it is safe for you to wear them.
- Purchase special effect contact lenses from your local eye care professional. Optometrists & ophthalmologists are licensed to dispense contact lenses and obtain them from reliable, well-recognized sources.
- Do not purchase them at convenience stores or beauty supply stores.
- Do not swim or sleep in decorative contact lenses.
- Do not share or swap them with friends.
- Always clean and disinfect your lenses before and after you wear them.
- Have a detailed checkup by a eye care professional. An eye doctor will be able to perform a contact lens evaluation to make sure the lenses fit well and it is safe for you to wear them.

Let’s separate eyesight facts from fiction. Knowing how to take good care of your eyes is the first step to protecting your sight for a lifetime.
Myth: Failure to use proper glasses will hurt your eyes
Myth: Reading in dim light can damage your eyes
Myth: Eating carrots will improve your vision
Myth: There’s nothing you can do about preventing sight loss
Myth: An eye checkup is only necessary if you’re having problems
Myth: Your sight will wear out if you use it too much
Myth: Sitting too close to the television or holding a book too close to your eyes will strain or damage your eyes
Myth: Electric lighting is bad for the eyes
Myth: Eye drops can eliminate the need for glasses
Myth: Using computers can damage your eyes
Myth: Eyes can be transplanted
Myth: Using glasses over a long period of time will cause vision to deteriorate, causing dependence on glasses
Myth: Children will outgrow crossed or misaligned eyes

Different problems encountered after prolonged use of computers. You can have some of these problems:
- Don’t use waterproof mascara as it may permanently adhere to the lens. Also avoid mascara that contains volume building fibers.
- Don’t use hairspray or other aerosols if you have already put in your lenses. Allow all hairspray to settle before walking into a room that has just been sprayed. Many times hair products can irritate the eyes and they are more susceptible now to problems because you wear contacts.
- Keep all nail polish remover and perfumes away from your contacts